
ERP Consulting Services

Creating greater value for your business

Unlock strategic value from your SYSPRO investment

A successful ERP solution is the foundation on which companies can launch new initiatives, streamline and improve existing operations, reduce costs and grow the bottom-line. For most organizations, irrespective of size or structure, change is not easy but with careful planning to steer the change management process, SYSPRO Consulting Services will minimize the stress associated with migrating to, or implementing a new system.

With over 40 years of’ practical hands-on experience, our Consulting Services team are experts in enabling business capability through ERP software. We take the time to understand your strategic business needs and desired outcomes, working as a trusted advisor, helping you to spend more time with your customers, creating greater value for your business.

A fit-for-purpose ERP solution to release ERP capabilities soonest


of businesses experienced an improvement in their processes after implementing an ERP system.
  • A SYSPRO Project Manager will work with you to develop the project plan and keep your business stakeholders closely informed around the project’s current status, to ensure that project resources are effectively utilized throughout your implementation journey.
  • The plan provides a structured view of your organization and shows the logic of how processes, systems, data and organizational hierarchies are designed.
  • SYSPRO offers a range of Project Management service levels designed to meet the requirements of your business and implementation needs.
  • With the flexibility to choose a project management tier to fit your business requirements, you are able to determine the level of support you require.
  • SYSPRO ensures that every managed implementation adheres to strict quality standards, as defined by its Project Management Office, or ‘PMO’ in everything we do.
  • The PMO ensures that every implementation is managed in a consistent manner and in-line with best practice principles.
  • Independent assurance checkpoints are conducted to ensure that you as our customer are receiving the best quality of service, helping guarantee a successful outcome for your organization’s ERP needs.
  • Our IDEAL implementation methodology provides a scalable, structured and phased approach, consisting of pre-defined inputs, activities and outputs, which combine to deliver a solution that exceeds your goals, objectives and expectations.
  • Delivers the right solution that best meets your requirements.
  • Uses our extensive experience and knowledge of best practices to deliver true benefit to your business.
  • Provides visibility to and accountability of our activities and services.
  • Effectively utilizes resources to minimize the investment to achieve a successful outcome.
  • Empowers your team to understand and leverage the ERP solution within your business.
  • Scales to meet the complexity or simplicity of your implementation needs, aligned with your business’s operational capabilities.
  • Early integration of your training needs into your overall project plan and implementation methodology and journey is a key principle of SYSPRO’s approach. By taking a people first approach you can be sure of a more enjoyable learning experience and a smoother transition into live service.
  • At the outset of your SYSPRO journey, your Project Manager will work with your team to help you develop a training plan.
  • Core training sessions will be established to focus on the following functional areas: Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, General Ledger, Purchase Orders, Inventory, Bill of Materials, Materials Requirement Planning, Sales Orders, Work in Progress, System Administration, SYSPRO Reporting Services.
  • Access to SYSPRO LearnIt education offering and the SYSPRO Learning Channel.

Trusted advisors for your implementation needs

Even the best ERP solutions count for little if they are not expertly implemented. If your business is seeking greater flexibility and increased productivity, while also grappling with the challenges of complexity and change, then you will need the tools to help you visualize and manage these complexities. You will also need a way to review, revise and revamp operations, right down to the process level.

SYSPRO succeeds in implementing ERP solutions by using best practices developed over many years of experience. IDEAL, our implementation methodology, facilitates a successful implementation and a roadmap to reaping a positive return on your investment for many years to come.


Meet the team – focused on business outcomes not technology outputs

ERP is a tool designed to unlock your business potential and our Consulting Services project management team focusses on business outcomes not technology outputs. To minimize the stress associated with migrating to or implementing a new system, you’ll need strong ERP project management with careful planning to steer the change management process.

And because implementing these systems and process is greatly simplified when business and IT work together and communicate effectively, our consultants work with your teams as a trusted business advisor, to help you realize that value, and leverage long-term benefits.

Represented by experienced Project Managers, all of whom are industry certified, your SYSPRO Project Manager will own the project plan and will keep your business stakeholders closely informed around the project’s current status. This helps ensure that project resources are effectively utilized throughout your implementation journey, helping you unlock SYSPRO’s ERP capability soonest.
Your consultants will assist you with some of the more technical aspects of your SYSPRO implementation, providing guidance around data migration, business process testing and the end-to-end process walkthrough considerations, helping ensure that you go-live on time and within budget.
Experts in SYSPRO performance, scalability, and best practice implementation considerations, our experienced team are on-hand to provide advice and recommendations around hardware, operating systems and databases, helping ensure that you are able to make an informed, cost effective choice that works for your business.
Implementing ERP is often seen as an IT project, however underestimating the importance of user training has been an obstacle to ERP adoption for many businesses. Training needs to be seen as a critical step within your ERP implementation journey, not simply something you undertake following your go-live. At the outset of your SYSPRO journey, your Project Manager will work with your team to help you develop a training plan.

Solve your ERP Implementation Needs Today

Get resources and insights into your industry and how our technology can enable you to disrupt your business and focus on business growth.
Consulting Services brochure
Our Consulting Services team is uniquely equipped to enable your business to unlock strategic value from your investment in SYSPRO.
IDEAL Implementation brochure
Learn about our scalable, structured and phased IDEAL approach, designed to help you & take advantage of industry best practices.
SYSPRO LearnIt brochure
SYSPRO LearnIt meets your business needs by providing you with training offerings that are both cost-effective & convenient.
Solve your ERP Implementation Needs Today
Get resources and insights into your industry and how our technology can enable you to disrupt your business and focus on business growth.

SYSPRO Consulting Services Brochure

With SYSPRO you are not just buying the latest technology, you are investing in a long-term relationship, effective training, consultancy and ongoing support, providing you with significant value for years to come.


SYSPRO LearnIt Education and Training

Having well-trained people is a company’s greatest asset – learning doesn’t just build human capital it also builds organizational capital. As employees learn their jobs and the system better, the more proficient they become in their individual roles and more efficiently they can collectively help run the business. Find out ...


SYSPRO IDEAL ERP Implementation Brochure

A successful ERP Implementation is the foundation to expand your business, launch new initiatives and improve existing operations. IDEAL has been proven and defined over 30 years.

Partner with an ERP Industry Leader

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Lets work together to create positive change in your business

Get in touch to find out how SYSPRO can assist you and your business today